[gam.mon] n [ME, fr. ONF gambon ham, fr. gambe leg--more at gam] (15c) 1 chiefly Brit: ham
2. 2 chiefly Brit a: a side of bacon b: the lower end of a side of bacon
[2]gammon n [perh. alter. of ME gamen game] (ca. 1734) 1 archaic: backgammon
2: the winning of a backgammon game before the loser removes any men from the board [3]gammon vt (1735): to beat by scoring a gammon [4]gammon vi (1789) 1: to talk gammon
2: pretend, feign ~ vt: deceive, fool [5]gammon n [obs. gammon (talk)] (1805): talk intended to deceive: humbug