[gin] vb gan ; gin.ning [ME ginnen, short for beginnen] (13c) archaic: begin
[2]gin n [ME gin, modif. of OF engin--more at engine] (13c): any of various tools or mechanical devices: as a: a snare or trap for game b: cotton gin [3]gin vt ginned ; gin.ning (ca. 1625) 1: snare
2: to separate (cotton fiber) from seeds and waste material -- gin.ner n [4]gin conj [perh. by contr. fr. dial. gif if + an if] (1580) dial: if [5]gin n [by shortening & alter. fr. geneva] (1714) 1: a colorless alcoholic beverage made from distilled or redistilled neutral grain spirits flavored with juniper berries and aromatics (as anise and caraway seeds)
2. a: gin rummy b: the act of laying down a full hand of matched cards in gin rummy -- gin.ny adj