[har.bor] n [ME herberge, herberwe, fr. OE herebeorg military quarters, fr. here army (akin to OHG heri) + beorg refuge; akin to OE burg fortified town--more at harry, borough] (12c) 1: a place of security and comfort: refuge
2: a part of a body of water protected and deep enough to furnish anchorage; esp: one with port facilities -- har.bor.ful n -- har.bor.less adj
[2]harbor vb har.bored ; har.bor.ing vt (12c) 1 a: to give shelter or refuge to b: to be the home or habitat of "the ledges still ~ rattlesnakes"; broadly: contain 2
2: to hold esp. persistently in the mind: cherish "~ed a grudge" ~ vi 1: to take shelter in or as if in a harbor
2: live -- har.bor.er n