[hon.ey] n, pl honeys [ME hony, fr. OE hunig; akin to OHG honag honey, L canicae bran] (bef. 12c) 1 a: a sweet viscid material elaborated out of the nectar of flowers in the honey sac of various bees b: a sweet fluid resembling honey that is collected or elaborated by various insects
2. a: a loved one: sweetheart, dear b: a superlative example
3: the quality or state of being sweet: sweetness
[2]honey vb hon.eyed also hon.ied ; hon.ey.ing vt (14c) 1: to sweeten with or as if with honey
2: to speak ingratiatingly to: flatter ~ vi: to use blandishments or cajolery [3]honey adj (14c) 1: of, relating to, or resembling honey
2: much loved: dear