Meaning of HUMBLE in English

[hum.ble] adj hum.bler ; hum.blest [ME, fr. OF, fr. L humilis low, humble, fr. humus earth; akin to Gk chthon earth, chamai on the ground] (13c) 1: not proud or haughty: not arrogant or assertive

2: reflecting, expressing, or offered in a spirit of deference or submission "a ~ apology" 3 a: ranking low in a hierarchy or scale: insignificant, unpretentious b: not costly or luxurious "a ~ contraption" -- hum.ble.ness n -- hum.bly adv

[2]humble vt hum.bled ; hum.bling (14c) 1: to make humble in spirit or manner

2: to destroy the power, independence, or prestige of -- hum.bler n -- adv

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