Meaning of ILLUMINATE in English

[] adj (15c) 1 archaic: brightened with light

2. archaic: intellectually or spiritually enlightened

[2] vt -nat.ed ; [ME, fr. L illuminatus, pp. of illuminare, fr. in- + luminare to light up, fr. lumin-, lumen light--more at luminary] (15c) 1 a: to enlighten spiritually or intellectually b (1): to supply or brighten with light (2): to make luminous or shining c archaic: to set alight d: to subject to radiation

2: to make clear: elucidate

3: to make illustrious or resplendent

4: to decorate (as a manuscript) with gold or silver or brilliant colors or with often elaborate designs or miniature pictures -- adv -- n [3] n (1600) archaic: one having or claiming unusual enlightenment

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