Meaning of INCORPORATE in English

[in.cor.po.rate] vb -rat.ed ; [ME, fr. LL incorporatus, pp. of incorporare, fr. L in- + corpor-, corpus body--more at midriff] vt (14c) 1 a: to unite or work into something already existent so as to form an indistinguishable whole b: to blend or combine thoroughly

2. a: to form into a legal corporation b: to admit to membership in a corporate body

3: to give material form to: embody ~ vi 1: to unite in or as one body

2: to form or become a corporation -- in.cor.po.ra.ble adj -- in.cor.po.ra.tion n -- in.cor.po.ra.tive adj -- in.cor.po.ra.tor n

[2]in.cor.po.rate adj (14c): incorporated

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