[in.de.co.rous] adj [L indecorus, fr. in- + decorus decorous] (1682): not decorous: conflicting with accepted standards of good conduct or good taste -- in.de.co.rous.ly adv -- in.de.co.rous.ness n syn indecorous, improper, unseemly, unbecoming, indelicate mean not conforming to what is accepted as right, fitting, or in good taste. indecorous suggests a violation of accepted standards of good manners "indecorous behavior". improper applies to a broader range of transgressions of rules not only of social behavior but of ethical practice or logical procedure or prescribed method "improper use of campaign contributions". unseemly adds a suggestion of special inappropriateness to a situation or an offensiveness to good taste "remarried with unseemly haste". unbecoming suggests behavior or language that does not suit one's character or status "conduct unbecoming to an officer". indelicate implies a lack of modesty or of tact or of refined perception of feeling "indelicate expressions for bodily functions".
Meaning of INDECOROUS in English
Merriam-Webster English vocab. Английский словарь Merriam Webster. 2012