Meaning of INSTITUTE in English

[in.sti.tute] vt -tut.ed ; [ME, fr. L institutus, pp. of instituere, fr. in- + statuere to set up--more at statute] (14c) 1: to establish in a position or office

2. a: to originate and get established: organize "instituted reading clinics" b: to set going: inaugurate "instituting an investigation of the charges" -- or in.sti.tu.tor n

[2]institute n (1546): something that is instituted: as a (1): an elementary principle recognized as authoritative (2) pl: a collection of such principles and precepts; esp: a legal compendium b: an organization for the promotion of a cause: association "a research ~" "an ~ for the blind" c: an educational institution and esp. one devoted to technical fields d: a usu. brief intensive course of instruction on selected topics relating to a particular field "an urban studies ~"

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