[in.tel.li.gi.ble] adj [ME, fr. L intelligibilis, fr. intelligere] (14c) 1: apprehensible by the intellect only
2: capable of being understood or comprehended -- in.tel.li.gi.bil.i.ty n -- in.tel.li.gi.ble.ness n -- in.tel.li.gi.bly adv
[in.tel.li.gi.ble] adj [ME, fr. L intelligibilis, fr. intelligere] (14c) 1: apprehensible by the intellect only
2: capable of being understood or comprehended -- in.tel.li.gi.bil.i.ty n -- in.tel.li.gi.ble.ness n -- in.tel.li.gi.bly adv
Merriam-Webster English vocab. Английский словарь Merriam Webster. 2012