[in.tent] n [ME entent, fr. OF, fr. LL intentus, fr. L, act of stretching out, fr. intendere] (13c) 1 a: the act or fact of intending: purpose; esp: the design or purpose to commit a wrongful or criminal act "admitted wounding him with ~" b: the state of mind with which an act is done: volition
2: a usu. clearly formulated or planned intention: aim 3 a: meaning, significance b: connotation 3 syn see intention
[2]intent adj [L intentus, fr. pp. of intendere] (14c) 1: directed with strained or eager attention: concentrated
2: having the mind, attention, or will concentrated on something or some end or purpose "~ on their work" -- in.tent.ly adv -- in.tent.ness n