[itch] vb [ME icchen, fr. OE giccan; akin to OHG jucchen to itch] vi (bef. 12c) 1 a: to have an itch "her arm ~ed" b: to produce an itchy sensation "long underwear that ~es"
2: to have a restless desire or hankering for something "were ~ing to go outside" ~ vt 1: to cause to itch
2: vex, irritate
[2]itch n (bef. 12c) 1 a: an uneasy irritating sensation in the upper surface of the skin usu. held to result from mild stimulation of pain receptors b: a skin disorder accompanied by such a sensation; esp: a contagious eruption caused by a mite (Sarcoptes scabiei) that burrows in the skin and causes intense itching
2. a: a restless usu. constant often compulsive desire "an ~ to travel" b: lust, prurience -- itch.i.ness n -- itchy adj