[jade] n [ME] (14c) 1: a broken-down, vicious, or worthless horse
2. a: a disreputable woman b: a flirtatious girl
[2]jade vb jad.ed ; jad.ing vt (1598) 1 a: to wear out by overwork or abuse b: to tire or dull through repetition or excess
2. obs: to make ridiculous ~ vi: to become weary or dulled syn see tire [3]jade n [F, fr. obs. Sp (piedra de la) ijada, lit., loin stone, ultim. fr. L ilia, pl., flanks; fr. the belief that jade cures renal colic] (1657) 1: either of two tough compact typically green gemstones that take a high polish: a: jadeite b: nephrite
2: a sculpture or artifact of jade
3: jade green