Meaning of JOCKEY in English

[jock.ey] n, pl jockeys [Jockey, Sc nickname for John] (1670) 1: a person who rides or drives a horse esp. as a professional in a race

2: a person who operates or works with a specified vehicle, device, or object: operator "an accountant, a pencil ~ -- with almost no association with the out-of-doors --James Selder"

[2]jockey vb jock.eyed ; vt (1708) 1: to deal shrewdly or fraudulently with

2. a: to ride or drive (a horse) as a jockey b: drive, operate 3 a: to maneuver or manipulate by adroit or devious means "was ~ed out of the job" b: to change the position of by a series of movements "~ a truck into position" ~ vi 1: to act as a jockey

2: to maneuver for advantage--often used in the phrase jockey for position

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