[kind.ly] adj kind.li.er ; -est [ME, fr. OE cyndelic, fr. cynd] (bef. 12c) 1 a obs: natural b archaic: lawful
2: of an agreeable or beneficial nature: pleasant "~ climate"
3: of a sympathetic or generous nature
[2]kindly adv (bef. 12c) 1 a: in the normal way: naturally "old wounds which had healed ~ --Amer. Mercury" b: readily "did not take ~ to suggestions"
2. a: in a kind manner: sympathetically b: as a gesture of goodwill "would take it ~ if you would put in a good word" c: in a gracious manner: courteously "they ~ invited us along" d: as a matter of courtesy: please "would you ~ order me a cab" 3 chiefly Southern: somewhat, kind of "it's ~ embarrassing --Walter Davis"