Meaning of LURK in English

[lurk] vi [ME; akin to MHG luren to lie in wait--more at lower] (14c) 1 a: to lie in wait in a place of concealment esp. for an evil purpose b: to move furtively or inconspicuously c: to persist in staying

2. a: to be concealed but capable of being discovered; specif: to constitute a latent threat b: to lie hidden -- n syn lurk, skulk, slink, sneak mean to behave so as to escape attention. lurk implies a lying in wait in a place of concealment and often suggests an evil intent "suspicious men lurking in alleyways". skulk suggests more strongly cowardice or fear or sinister intent "something skulking in the shadows". slink implies moving stealthily often merely to escape attention "slunk around the corner". sneak may add an implication of entering or leaving a place or evading a difficulty by furtive, indirect, or underhanded methods "sneaked out early".

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