Meaning of MARRY in English

[mar.ry] vb mar.ried ; [ME marien, fr. OF marier, fr. L maritare, fr. maritus married] vt (14c) 1 a: to join as husband and wife according to law or custom b: to give in marriage "married his daughter to his partner's son" c: to take as spouse: wed "married the girl next door" d: to perform the ceremony of marriage for "a priest will ~ them" e: to obtain by marriage "~ wealth"

2: to unite in close and usu. permanent relation ~ vi 1: to take a spouse: wed

2: combine, unite "seafood marries with other flavors" -- marry into : to become a member of by marriage "married into a prominent family"

[2]marry interj [ME marie, fr. Marie, the Virgin Mary] (14c) archaic--used for emphasis and esp. to express amused or surprised agreement

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