[me.trol.o.gy] n [F metrologie, fr. Gk metrologia theory of ratios, fr. metron measure--more at measure] (1816) 1: the science of weights and measures or of measurement
2: a system of weights and measures -- met.ro.log.i.cal adj -- me.trol.o.gist n
[me.trol.o.gy] n [F metrologie, fr. Gk metrologia theory of ratios, fr. metron measure--more at measure] (1816) 1: the science of weights and measures or of measurement
2: a system of weights and measures -- met.ro.log.i.cal adj -- me.trol.o.gist n
Merriam-Webster English vocab. Английский словарь Merriam Webster. 2012