Meaning of MICR- in English

[micr-] or micro- comb form [ME micro-, fr. L, fr. Gk mikr-, mikro-, fr. mikros, smikros small, short; perh. akin to OE smealic careful, exquisite] 1 a: small: minute "microcapsule" b: used for or involving minute quantities or variations "microbarograph"

2: one millionth part of a (specified) unit "microgram" 3 a: using microscopy "microdissection": used in microscopy b: revealed by or having the structure discernible only by microscopic examination "microorganism"

4: abnormally small "microcyte"

5: of or relating to a small area "microclimate"

6: employed in or connected with microphotographing or microfilming "microcopy"

Merriam-Webster English vocab.      Английский словарь Merriam Webster.