Meaning of MOBILE in English

[mo.bile] adj [ME mobyll, fr. MF mobile, fr. L mobilis, fr. movere to move] (15c) 1: capable of moving or being moved: movable "a ~ missile launcher"

2. a: changeable in appearance, mood, or purpose "~ face" b: adaptable, versatile

3: migratory

4. a: characterized by the mixing of social groups b: having the opportunity for or undergoing a shift in status within the hierarchical social levels of a society "socially ~ workers"

5: marked by the use of vehicles for transportation "~ warfare"

6: of or relating to a mobile -- mo.bil.i.ty n

[2]mo.bile n (1936): a construction or sculpture frequently of wire and sheet metal shapes with parts that can be set in motion by air currents; also: a similar structure (as of paper or plastic) suspended so that it moves in a current of air

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