[mys.ti.fy] vt -fied ; -fy.ing [F mistifier, fr. mystere mystery, fr. L mysterium] (ca. 1734) 1: to perplex the mind of: bewilder
2: to make mysterious or obscure "~ an interpretation of a prophecy" -- mys.ti.fi.er n -- mys.ti.fy.ing.ly adv
[mys.ti.fy] vt -fied ; -fy.ing [F mistifier, fr. mystere mystery, fr. L mysterium] (ca. 1734) 1: to perplex the mind of: bewilder
2: to make mysterious or obscure "~ an interpretation of a prophecy" -- mys.ti.fi.er n -- mys.ti.fy.ing.ly adv
Merriam-Webster English vocab. Английский словарь Merriam Webster. 2012