[nob.ble] vt nob.bled ; nob.bling [perh. irreg. freq. of nab] (1847) 1 Brit: to incapacitate (a racehorse) esp. by drugging
2. slang Brit a: to win over to one's side b: steal c: swindle, cheat d: to get hold of: catch -- nob.bler n
[nob.ble] vt nob.bled ; nob.bling [perh. irreg. freq. of nab] (1847) 1 Brit: to incapacitate (a racehorse) esp. by drugging
2. slang Brit a: to win over to one's side b: steal c: swindle, cheat d: to get hold of: catch -- nob.bler n
Merriam-Webster English vocab. Английский словарь Merriam Webster. 2012