[ob.fus.cate] vt -cat.ed ; -cat.ing [LL obfuscatus, pp. of obfuscare, fr. L ob- in the way + fuscus dark brown--more at ob-, dusk] (1577) 1 a: darken b: to make obscure
2: confuse -- ob.fus.ca.tion n -- ob.fus.ca.to.ry adj
[ob.fus.cate] vt -cat.ed ; -cat.ing [LL obfuscatus, pp. of obfuscare, fr. L ob- in the way + fuscus dark brown--more at ob-, dusk] (1577) 1 a: darken b: to make obscure
2: confuse -- ob.fus.ca.tion n -- ob.fus.ca.to.ry adj
Merriam-Webster English vocab. Английский словарь Merriam Webster. 2012