Meaning of OUTLAW in English

[out.law] n [ME outlawe, fr. OE utlaga, fr. ON utlagi, fr. ut out (akin to OE ut out) + lag-, log law--more at out, law] (bef. 12c) 1: a person excluded from the benefit or protection of the law

2. a: a lawless person or a fugitive from the law b: a person or organization under a ban or restriction c: one that is unconventional or rebellious

3: an animal (as a horse) that is wild and unmanageable -- outlaw adj

[2]outlaw vt (bef. 12c) 1 a: to deprive of the benefit and protection of law: declare to be an outlaw b: to make illegal "~ed dueling"

2: to place under a ban or restriction

3: to remove from legal jurisdiction or enforcement -- out.law.ry n

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