[pant] vb [ME, modif. of MF pantaisier, fr. (assumed) VL phantasiare to have hallucinations, fr. Gk phantasioun, fr. phantasia appearance, imagination--more at fancy] vi (14c) 1 a: to breathe quickly, spasmodically, or in a labored manner b: to run panting "~ing along beside the bicycle" c: to move with or make a throbbing or puffing sound
2: to long eagerly: yearn
3: throb, pulsate ~ vt: to utter with panting: gasp
[2]pant n (1513) 1 a: a panting breath b: the visible movement of the chest accompanying such a breath
2: a throbbing or puffing sound [3]pant n [short for pantaloons] (1840) 1: an outer garment covering each leg separately and usu. extending from the waist to the ankle--usu. used in pl.
2. pl, chiefly Brit: men's underpants 3 pl: pantie -- with one's pants down : in an embarrassing position (as of being unprepared to act) [4]pant adj (1899): of or relating to pants "a ~ leg"