[peck] n [ME pek, fr. MF] (13c) 1: either of two units of dry capacity equal to 1/4 bushel: a: a U.S. unit equivalent to 537.605 cubic inches b: a British imperial unit equivalent to 554.84 cubic inches
2: a large quantity or number
[2]peck vb [ME, perh. fr. MLG pekken] vt (14c) 1 a: to strike or pierce esp. repeatedly with the bill or a pointed tool b: to make by pecking "~ a hole"
2: to pick up with the bill ~ vi 1 a: to strike, pierce, or pick up something with or as if with the bill b: carp, nag
2: to eat reluctantly and in small bites "~ at food" [3]peck n (ca. 1591) 1: an impression or hole made by pecking
2: a quick sharp stroke