[pen.sive] adj [ME pensif, fr. MF, fr. penser to think, fr. L pensare to ponder, freq. of pendere to weigh--more at pendant] (14c) 1: musingly or dreamily thoughtful
2: suggestive of sad thoughtfulness -- pen.sive.ly adv -- pen.sive.ness n
[pen.sive] adj [ME pensif, fr. MF, fr. penser to think, fr. L pensare to ponder, freq. of pendere to weigh--more at pendant] (14c) 1: musingly or dreamily thoughtful
2: suggestive of sad thoughtfulness -- pen.sive.ly adv -- pen.sive.ness n
Merriam-Webster English vocab. Английский словарь Merriam Webster. 2012