[pre.cinct] n [ME, fr. ML praecinctum, fr. L, neut. of praecinctus, pp. of praecingere to gird about, fr. prae- pre- + cingere to gird--more at cincture] (15c) 1: a part of a territory with definite bounds or functions often established for administrative purposes: district: as a: a subdivision of a county, town, city, or ward for election purposes b: a division of a city for police control
2. a: an enclosure bounded by the walls of a building--often used in pl. b: a sphere of thought, action, or influence--often used in pl. 3 a pl: the region immediately surrounding a place: environs b: place, locale
4: boundary--often used in pl. "a ruined tower within the ~s of the squire's grounds --T. L. Peacock"