Meaning of REJECT in English

[re.ject] vt [ME, fr. L rejectus, pp. of reicere, fr. re- + jacere to throw--more at jet] (15c) 1 a: to refuse to accept, consider, submit to, take for some purpose, or use "~ed the suggestion" "~ a manuscript" b: to refuse to hear, receive, or admit: rebuff, repel "parents who ~ their children" c: to refuse as lover or spouse

2. obs: to cast off

3: throw back, repulse

4: to spew out

5: to subject to immunological rejection syn see decline -- or re.jec.tor n -- adv -- re.jec.tive adj

[2]re.ject n (ca. 1555): a rejected person or thing; esp: one rejected as not wanted, unsatisfactory, or not fulfilling standard requirements

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