Meaning of REPROACH in English

[re.proach] n [ME reproche, fr. MF, fr. OF, fr. reprochier to reproach, fr. (assumed) VL repropiare, fr. L re- + prope near--more at approach] (14c) 1: an expression of rebuke or disapproval

2: the act or action of reproaching or disapproving "was beyond ~" 3 a: a cause or occasion of blame, discredit, or disgrace b: discredit, disgrace

4. obs: one subjected to censure or scorn -- re.proach.ful adj -- adv -- re.proach.ful.ness n

[2]reproach vt (14c) 1: to express disappointment in or displeasure with (a person) for conduct that is blameworthy or in need of amendment

2: to make (something) a matter of reproach

3: to bring into discredit syn see reprove -- adj -- n -- adv

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