Meaning of REPROVE in English

[re.prove] vb re.proved ; [ME, fr. MF reprover, fr. LL reprobare to disapprove, condemn, fr. L re- + probare to test, approve--more at prove] vt (14c) 1: to scold or correct usu. gently or with kindly intent

2: to express disapproval of: censure "it is not for me to ~ popular taste --D. W. Brogan" 3 obs: disprove, refute

4. obs: convince, convict ~ vi: to express rebuke or reproof -- n -- adv syn reprove, rebuke, reprimand, admonish, reproach, chide mean to criticize adversely. reprove implies an often kindly intent to correct a fault "gently reproved my table manners". rebuke suggests a sharp or stern reproof "the papal letter rebuked dissenting clerics". reprimand implies a severe, formal, often public or official rebuke "reprimanded by the ethics committee". admonish suggests earnest or friendly warning and counsel "admonished by my parents to control expenses". reproach and chide suggest displeasure or disappointment expressed in mild reproof or scolding "reproached him for tardiness" "chided by their mother for untidiness".

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