Meaning of RETREAT in English

[re.treat] n [ME retret, fr. MF retrait, fr. pp. of retraire to withdraw, fr. L retrahere, fr. re- + trahere to draw] (14c) 1 a (1): an act or process of withdrawing esp. from what is difficult, dangerous, or disagreeable (2): the process of receding from a position or state attained "the ~ of a glacier" "the slow ~ of an epidemic" b (1): the usu. forced withdrawal of troops from an enemy or from an advanced position (2): a signal for retreating c (1): a signal given by bugle at the beginning of a military flag-lowering ceremony (2): a military flag-lowering ceremony

2: a place of privacy or safety: refuge

3: a period of group withdrawal for prayer, meditation, study, and instruction under a director

[2]retreat vi (15c) 1: to make a retreat: withdraw

2: to slope backward ~ vt: to draw or lead back: remove; specif: to move (a piece) back in chess syn see recede -- n

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