Meaning of RETROGRADE in English

[] adj [ME, fr. L retrogradus, fr. retrogradi] (14c) 1 a (1) of a celestial body: having a direction contrary to that of the general motion of similar bodies (2): having or being a direction of rotation or revolution that is clockwise as viewed from the north pole of the sky or a planet b: moving, occurring, or performed in a backward direction or opposite to the usual direction "a ~ step" "~ peristalsis" c: contrary to the normal order: inverse

2: tending toward or resulting in a worse or previous state 3 archaic: contradictory, opposed

4: characterized by retrogression

5: affecting a period prior to a precipitating cause "~ amnesia"

6: retro -- adv

[2]retrograde adv (ca. 1619): backward, reversely [3]retrograde vb [L retrogradi, fr. retro- + gradi to go--more at grade] vt (1582) archaic: to turn back: reverse ~ vi 1 a: to go back: retreat b: to go back over or recapitulate something

2: to decline to a worse condition

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