[rhyme] n [ME rime, fr. OF] (13c) 1 a (1): rhyming verse (2): poetry b: a composition in verse that rhymes
2. a: correspondence in terminal sounds of units of composition or utterance (as two or more words or lines of verse) b: one of two or more words thus corresponding in sound c: correspondence of other than terminal word sounds: as (1): alliteration (2): internal rhyme
3: rhythm, measure -- rhyme.less adj
[2]rhyme vb rhymed ; rhym.ing vt (14c) 1: to relate or praise in rhyming verse
2. a: to put into rhyme b: to compose (verse) in rhyme c: to cause to rhyme: use as rhyme ~ vi 1: to make rhymes; also: to compose rhyming verse
2. of a word or verse: to end in syllables that are rhymes
3: to be in accord: harmonize -- rhym.er n