Meaning of RIVAL in English

[ri.val] n [MF or L; MF, fr. L rivalis one using the same stream as another, rival in love, fr. rivalis of a stream, fr. rivus stream--more at run] (1577) 1 a: one of two or more striving to reach or obtain something that only one can possess b: one striving for competitive advantage

2. obs: companion, associate

3: one that equals another in desired qualities: peer

[2]rival adj (1590): having the same pretensions or claims: competing [3]rival vb ri.valed or ri.valled ; ri.val.ing or ri.val.ling vi (1605): to act as a rival: compete ~ vt 1: to be in competition with

2: to strive to equal or excel: emulate

3: to possess qualities or aptitudes that approach or equal (those of another)

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