[ro.man] n [F, fr. OF romans romance] (1765): a metrical romance [1]Ro.man n [partly fr. ME, fr. OE, fr. L Romanus, adj. & n., fr. Roma Rome; partly fr. ME Romain, fr. OF, fr. L Romanus] (bef. 12c) 1: a native or resident of Rome
2: roman catholic--often taken to be offensive 3 not cap: roman letters or type
[2]Roman adj (14c) 1: of or relating to Rome or the people of Rome; specif: characteristic of the ancient Romans "~ fortitude"
2. a: latin 1a b: of or relating to the Latin alphabet 3 not cap: of or relating to a type style with upright characters--compare italic
4: of or relating to the see of Rome or the Roman Catholic Church
5: having a semicircular intrados "~ arch"
6: having a prominent slightly aquiline bridge "~ nose"