Meaning of SACK in English

[sack] n [ME sak bag, sackcloth, fr. OE sacc, fr. L saccus bag & LL saccus sackcloth, both fr. Gk sakkos bag, sackcloth, of Sem origin; akin to Heb saq bag, sackcloth] (bef. 12c) 1: a usu. rectangular-shaped bag (as of paper, burlap, or canvas)

2: the amount contained in a sack; esp: a fixed amount of a commodity used as a unit of measure 3 a: a woman's loose-fitting dress b: a short usu. loose-fitting coat for women and children c: sacque 2

4: dismissal

5. a: hammock, bunk b: bed

6: a base in baseball 7: an instance of sacking the quarterback in football -- sack.ful n

[2]sack vt (14c) 1: to put in or as if in a sack

2: to dismiss esp. summarily

3: to tackle (the quarterback) behind the line of scrimmage in football -- n [3]sack n [modif. of MF sec dry, fr. L siccus; prob. akin to OHG sihan to filter, Skt sincati he pours] (ca. 1532): any of several white wines imported to England from Spain and the Canary Islands during the 16th and 17th centuries [4]sack vt [[5]sack] (ca. 1547) 1: to plunder (as a town) esp. after capture

2: to strip of valuables: loot syn see ravage -- n [5]sack n [MF sac, fr. OIt sacco, lit., bag, fr. L saccus] (1549): the plundering of a captured town

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