[sar.cas.tic] adj (1695) 1: having the character of sarcasm "~ criticism"
2: given to the use of sarcasm: caustic "a ~ critic" -- sar.cas.ti.cal.ly adv syn sarcastic, satiric, ironic, sardonic mean marked by bitterness and a power or will to cut or sting. sarcastic implies an intentional inflicting of pain by deriding, taunting, or ridiculing "a critic famous mainly for his sarcastic remarks". satiric implies that the intent of the ridiculing is censure and reprobation "a satiric look at contemporary sexual mores". ironic implies an attempt to be amusing or provocative by saying usu. the opposite of what is meant "made the ironic observation that the government could always be trusted". sardonic implies scorn, mockery, or derision that is manifested by either verbal or facial expression "surveyed the scene with a sardonic smile".