Meaning of SCANT in English

[scant] adj [ME, fr. ON skamt, neut. of skammr short] (14c) 1 dial a: excessively frugal b: not prodigal: chary

2. a: barely or scarcely sufficient; esp: not quite coming up to a stated measure b: lacking in amplitude or quantity

3: having a small or insufficient supply "he's fat, and ~ of breath --Shak." syn see meager -- adv -- scant.ness n

[2]scant adv (15c) dial: scarcely, hardly [3]scant vt (ca. 1580) 1: to provide an incomplete supply of: withhold

2: to make small, narrow, or meager: skimp

3: to give scant attention to: slight

4: to provide with a meager or inadequate portion or allowance: stint

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