[sculp.ture] n [ME, fr. L sculptura, fr. sculptus, pp. of sculpere to carve, alter. of scalpere to scratch, carve] (14c) 1 a: the action or art of processing (as by carving, modeling, or welding) plastic or hard materials into works of art b (1): work produced by sculpture (2): a three-dimensional work of art (as a statue)
2: impressed or raised markings or a pattern of such esp. on a plant or animal part
[2]sculpture vb sculp.tured ; sculp.tur.ing vt (1645) 1 a: to form an image or representation of from solid material (as wood or stone) b: to form into a three-dimensional work of art
2: to change (the form of the earth's surface) by natural processes (as erosion and deposition)
3: to shape by or as if by carving or molding ~ vi: to work as a sculptor