[sib.i.late] vb -lat.ed ; -lat.ing [L sibilatus, pp. of sibilare] vi (ca. 1656) 1: hiss
2: to utter an initial sibilant: prefix an /s/-sound ~ vt 1: hiss
2: to pronounce with an initial sibilant: prefix an /s/-sound to -- sib.i.la.tion n
[sib.i.late] vb -lat.ed ; -lat.ing [L sibilatus, pp. of sibilare] vi (ca. 1656) 1: hiss
2: to utter an initial sibilant: prefix an /s/-sound ~ vt 1: hiss
2: to pronounce with an initial sibilant: prefix an /s/-sound to -- sib.i.la.tion n
Merriam-Webster English vocab. Английский словарь Merriam Webster. 2012