Meaning of SLANT in English

[slant] n (1655) 1: a slanting direction, line, or plane: slope

2. a: something that slants b: diagonal 3 c: a football running play in which the ballcarrier runs obliquely toward the line of scrimmage 3 a: a peculiar or personal point of view, attitude, or opinion b: a slanting view: glance -- slant adj -- slant.ways adv -- slant.wise adv or adj -- slanty adj

[2]slant vb [ME slenten to fall obliquely, of Scand origin; akin to Sw slinta to slide] vi (1692) 1: to take a diagonal course, direction, or path

2: to turn or incline from a right line or a level: slope ~ vt 1: to give an oblique or sloping direction to

2: to interpret or present in line with a special interest: angle "stories ~ed toward youth"; esp: to maliciously or dishonestly distort or falsify -- adv

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