[slight] adj [ME, smooth, slight, prob. fr. MD slicht; akin to OHG slihhan to glide--more at slick] (14c) 1 a: having a slim or delicate build: not stout or massive in body b: lacking in strength or substance: flimsy, frail c: deficient in weight, solidity, or importance: trivial
2: small of its kind or in amount: scanty, meager syn see thin -- slight.ly adv -- slight.ness n
[2]slight vt (1597) 1: to treat as slight or unimportant: make light of
2: to treat with disdain or indifference
3: to perform or attend to carelessly and inadequately
4: [3]slur 3 syn see neglect [3]slight n (1701) 1: an act or an instance of slighting
2: an instance of being slighted: a humiliating discourtesy