Meaning of SLING in English

[sling] vt slung ; [ME, prob. fr. ON slyngva to hurl; akin to OE & OHG slingan to worm, twist, Lith slinkti] (14c) 1: to cast with a sudden and usu. sweeping or swirling motion "slung the sack over my shoulder"

2: to throw with or as if with a sling "~ing punches" "~ mud" syn see throw -- n

[2]sling n (14c) 1 a: an instrument for throwing stones that usu. consists of a short strap with strings fastened to its ends and is whirled round to discharge its missile by centrifugal force b: slingshot 1

2. a: a usu. looped line (as of strap, chain, or rope) used to hoist, lower, or carry something; esp: a hanging bandage suspended from the neck to support an arm or hand b: a chain or rope attached to a lower yard at the middle and passing around a mast near the masthead to support a yard c: a chain hooked at the bow and stern of a boat for lowering or hoisting d: a device (as a rope net) for enclosing material to be hoisted by a tackle or crane

3: a slinging or hurling of or as if of a missile [3]sling vt slung ; (1522) 1: to place in a sling for hoisting or lowering

2: to suspend by or as if by a sling [4]sling n [origin unknown] (1768): an alcoholic drink that is served hot or cold and that usu. consists of liquor, sugar, lemon juice, and plain or carbonated water "gin ~" "rum ~"

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