[slip.per] adj [ME, fr. OE slipor; akin to MLG slipper slippery, slippen to slip] (bef. 12c) chiefly dial: slippery
[2]slipper n [ME, fr. slippen to slip] (15c): a light low-cut shoe that is easily slipped on the foot -- slip.pered adj
[slip.per] adj [ME, fr. OE slipor; akin to MLG slipper slippery, slippen to slip] (bef. 12c) chiefly dial: slippery
[2]slipper n [ME, fr. slippen to slip] (15c): a light low-cut shoe that is easily slipped on the foot -- slip.pered adj
Merriam-Webster English vocab. Английский словарь Merriam Webster. 2012