[so.lic.it] vb [ME, to disturb, take charge of, fr. MF solliciter, fr. L sollicitare to disturb, fr. sollicitus anxious, fr. sollus whole (fr. Oscan; akin to Gk holos whole) + citus, pp. of ciere to move--more at safe, -kinesis] vt (15c) 1 a: to make petition to: entreat b: to approach with a request or plea
2: to urge (as one's cause) strongly 3 a: to entice or lure esp. into evil b: to proposition (someone) esp. as or in the character of a prostitute
4: to try to obtain by usu. urgent requests or pleas ~ vi 1: to make solicitation: importune
2. of a prostitute: to offer to have sexual relations with someone for money syn see ask