Meaning of SORREL in English

[sor.rel] n [ME sorelle, fr. MF sorel, n. & adj., fr. sor reddish brown] (15c) 1: a sorrel-colored animal; esp: a light bright chestnut horse often with white mane and tail--compare [1]chestnut 4,

[2]bay 1

2: a brownish orange to light brown

[2]sorrel n [ME sorel, fr. MF surele, fr. OF, fr. sur sour, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG sur sour--more at sour] (15c): any of various plants or plant parts with sour juice: as a: any of various docks (as Rumex acetosa and R. acetosella); also: the leaves used as a potherb b: wood sorrel

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