[spec.i.fy] vt -fied ; -fy.ing [ME specifien, fr. MF specifier, fr. LL specificare, fr. specificus] (14c) 1: to name or state explicitly or in detail
2: to include as an item in a specification -- spec.i.fi.able adj -- spec.i.fi.er n
[spec.i.fy] vt -fied ; -fy.ing [ME specifien, fr. MF specifier, fr. LL specificare, fr. specificus] (14c) 1: to name or state explicitly or in detail
2: to include as an item in a specification -- spec.i.fi.able adj -- spec.i.fi.er n
Merriam-Webster English vocab. Английский словарь Merriam Webster. 2012