[spoof] vt [Spoof, a hoaxing game invented by Arthur Roberts d. 1933 Eng. comedian] (1889) 1: deceive, hoax
2: to make good-natured fun of
[2]spoof n (1889) 1: hoax, deception
2: a light humorous parody -- spoof.ery n -- spoofy adj
[spoof] vt [Spoof, a hoaxing game invented by Arthur Roberts d. 1933 Eng. comedian] (1889) 1: deceive, hoax
2: to make good-natured fun of
[2]spoof n (1889) 1: hoax, deception
2: a light humorous parody -- spoof.ery n -- spoofy adj
Merriam-Webster English vocab. Английский словарь Merriam Webster. 2012