[squir.rel] n, pl squirrels also squirrel [ME squirel, fr. MF esquireul, fr. (assumed) VL scuriolus, dim. of scurius, alter. of L sciurus, fr. Gk skiouros, prob. fr. skia shadow + oura tail--more at shine, ass] (14c) 1: any of various small or medium-sized rodents (family Sciuridae, the squirrel family): as a: any of numerous New or Old World arboreal forms having a long bushy tail and strong hind legs b: ground squirrel
2: the fur of a squirrel
[2]squirrel vt -reled or -relled ; -rel.ing or -rel.ling [fr. the squirrel's habit of storing up gathered nuts and seeds for winter use] (1925): to store up for future use--often used with away